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Kristin Chenoweth - Upon this rock - Testi - TrovaCd
Kristin Chenoweth - Coming Home




28 aprile 2015

Pop Rock









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€ 9,30


7.  Upon This Rock

When others see with earthly light,
Just what the wanna see
You will see the things that never die
You will know and recognize
My simple child like faith
The priceless truth others will deny

When others say he's just a man
Who likes to dream his dream
When others call a miracle a myth
You listen for eternity in moments as they pass
And see with spirit eyes what others miss

Upon this rock I'll build my kingdom
And on this rock, forever and ever it shall stand
And though the powers of hell itself shall never more prevail against it
For satan's thrones are built on sinking sand
Upon this rock, I'll build my kingdom
And on this rock, forever and ever it shall stand
Upon this rock of revelation, I'll build a strong and mighty nation
And it shall stand the storms of time, upon this rock

A famous simple carpenter, you see the sun of God
If you could choose to lose when you could win
If you would give your life away with nothing in return
Then you are where my kingdom will begin


I'll build my kingdom
And on this rock the river shall sing
Upon this rock of revelation
I'll build a strong and mighty nation
And it shall stand the storms of time, upon this rock
I'll build my church upon this rock!

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